Calendar / Sermons - Lauderhill Baptist Church

Calendar / Sermons

Every Sunday following the morning service bread and baked goods will be distributed at the church.


Due to the COVID19 pandemic, Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar testings are temporarily discontinued

   3. Make today the best day of your life

4. Weathering the storms of life

 5. My sheep hear my voice

    6. Put on the whole armour

   7. You are blessed


8. He Lives!!

9. A walk of faith

10. Be not conformed, but transformed


11. What do you have?

By Deacon June Small

12. We pray for America

13. The rich fool's plan

14. Two men, two lives, two destinations


15. The prodigal's father

16. Why should I feel discouraged?

17. The inseparable love of God

18. I am the true vine

19. Which road are you on?

20. Let love and forgiveness reign in your hearts

21. You can run but you cannot hide

22. Feed my sheep

23. Passing the tests of life

24. Are you ready?

25. Daniel's steadfast faithfulness

26. Living water

27. Fullness of Joy


28. Do the right thing

29. Leaders must pray


30. A little child shall lead them

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